As we age, acne scars become more visible because the skin loses its collagen. The type of scar determines which acne scar therapy is chosen. For instance, a patient with deep scars might benefit from filler therapy since it can make the acne scar better by enhancing skin volume. However, laser treatment for acne scars can be done afterwards. It’s crucial that the zit or acne itself goes away before beginning therapy for acne scars. New scars from acne can appear. When you have acne, your skin is irritated. The effectiveness of treatments for acne scars is decreased by inflammation. Acne scars can be treated medically in a number of techniques that are carried out in a skin treatment clinic. The ways for treating acne scars are discussed here.


Known to be a popular treatment, it is an efficient technique to get rid of scars. The procedure entails deeply exfoliating the top layer of the patient’s skin with the help a wire brush.

Micro Needling

This is a new method with lower costs than laser therapy. Inserting very small and thin needles into the skin is a stimulus for the phenomenon of making new collagens. Micro needling with a derma pen is performed by a device similar to a vibrating pen with very small needles embedded in its sterile series. First, the skin is numbed with an ointment, then the ointment is washed off the skin.

Gel Injection

One of the methods of treating pimples on the face is gel injection. The deep boil can be raised using filler or gel injection and make it level with the skin. Also, skin gels can improve the appearance of valley-shaped pimples. Different fillers may be used in this regard, including hyaluronic acid gels or the patient’s own fat injection.


Another medication used to treat acne scars is topical retinoids. These medications can help lessen spots and fade pimples in addition to increasing cell development, enhancing skin texture, and boosting skin quality. Naturally, retinoids might increase a person’s skin’s sensitivity to sunlight. After taking retinoid medications, always wear sunscreen.

Last Word

Specialist consultants will help you find the best treatment. Because it is very important what treatment method you should do so that there are no risks for your skin. Visit MSM Pro Derma Poly Clinic for expert advice

Guide to Understanding the Various Acne Prevention Treatments